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Adoptive Families

At Kepte our goal is to provide orphans with adoptive families that create the ideal home environment and to provide those families with the support they need to create that ideal home environment.


Kepte believes that all children, including orphans, are an amazing blessing from God. However, Kepte refuses to ignore or downplay the obvious financial, emotional, spiritual, and time-intensive demands raising an adopted child requires. We have chosen to take action in this regard and it is our goal to provide sustained meaningful income for families who are willing to step forward in faith and fulfill the Kingdom Duty of permanently walking alongside orphans in their affliction.


Kepte hopes to one day be able to provide this service to all orphans and adoptive families, but for now Kepte is focusing on orphans age 13-17 who are in permanent custody of the State of Texas. This age group is at a greater risk of not being adopted before aging into adulthood and that is why Kepte has chosen to prioritize them.


Kepte is looking for families who wish to join us in this mission and are willing to adopt children age 13-17. We have chosed to refer to these families as Kepte Family Ambassadors. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services has requirements for families who wish to foster and adopt. Those requirements can be found here.


At Kepte we have identified some additional qualifications that we are looking for in Family Ambassadors. Below you will find those qualifications as well as the ongoing responsibilities we will be asking of Kepte award winners.


We understand that many families will not meet these qualifications. At Kepte we want to make it clear that it is not our intention to pass judgement on or belittle the dynamic of any family or individual. However, we feel that it is our duty to pursue what we believe are the ideal conditions for the families we partner with and ultimately the children those families will serve.


  • Must be a monogamous heterosexual married couple

  • Both spouses must be professing Christians

    • Minimum 5 years

    • Must agree to Kepte’s Statement of Values

    • Must provide a minimum of 3 references from Church leadership or other individuals of religious authority

  • Must be married for more than 1 year

  • Must be at least 15 years older than adoptee

  • Must possess a dual license (foster and adopt)

    • Kepte can help coordinate the licensing process for families who don't yet have a dual license​

  • Special consideration will be given to parents who meet any of the following:

    • Are adopting for the first time​

    • Hold college degrees from Christian universities

    • Have experience in the operation of faith based education, Church, or Missions

    • Intend to homeschool or have child attend a private Christian school

Family Ambassador Ongoing Responsibilities

  • Adopt a new child age 13-17 that is in permanent custody of the state

    • Foster to adopt will meet this qualification​

  • Provide stable home environment with all living essentials

  • Provide adequate education that meets state education standards in accordance with the child’s age

  • Both parents may not hold full time jobs in addition to receiving Kepte support

  • One parent may hold a full time job while the other holds a part time job as long as the part time job does not exceed 4 hours per day or 20 hours per week

  • Families are eligible for Kepte financial support until age 21 given the family meets the following criteria:​

    • Child must maintain the family’s home as their primary residence

    • Parents must continue to provide financial assistance until age 21 and may not charge for rent or any other regularly occurring expenses unless those funds are contributed toward the direct benefit of the child (savings, investment, trust, etc.)

    • Ensures child achieves high school diploma or GED before age 20

    • Before age 20, ensure the child either holds a full time job, is entered into a career education program as a full time student, or holds part time positions in both work and career education

  • May foster for up to 1 year between adoptions

  • At least one spouse must maintain a minimum of 1 social media account on any of the following platforms:

    • Facebook

    • Twitter

    • LinkedIn

    • Instagram

  • At least one spouse must interact with and share Kepte social media content made available on the platform of their choosing

    • Interacting with content may consist of liking or commenting on social media content

  • Sharing and interacting with content must be done within 24 hours of the original post

    • Families will be notified when there is new content​

    • Families will not be expected to share and interact with content more than once per day


Potentially Disqualifying Items*

Kepte Family Ambassador Grant

  • History of divorce

  • History of uncontrolled addiction

  • History of physical or sexual abuse

  • Annual Award: $35,000

  • Structured in renewable 1 year grants disbursed monthly

  • This figure represents 52% of the Median Household Income in the State of Texas according to the latest figures by U.S. Census Bureau



*All Family Ambassador awards must have unanimous approval from the President and Board of Directors. Fulfillment of qualifications, roles, and responsibilities are determined on a case-by-case basis. Kepte reserves the right to modify or adjust award qualifications at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors.

Become a Kepte Family Ambassador

If you and your spouse are interested in partnering with Kepte as an adoptive family please fill out the section below.


We are currently in the process of funding our next grant. Once fundraising is complete, we will get in touch with you and begin the conversation on how you and your family can join the mission of permanently visiting orphans in their affliction.

Thanks for submitting!

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